
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Seven Wonders of the World 2011

If you are given a chance to travel in one place, why not visiting one of the seven wonders of the world? We can consider these places as "Dreamed Places". A place where our dreams and imagination are build. Imagine you have been in one of these most popular sites, a great goals within ourselves are achieved.

I’m sure all of us grew up reading about the famous Wonders of the World, like the Egyptian pyramids, the Colossus of Rhodes or the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. With only one of the original wonders of world still standing, in 2007, Swiss-based New7Wonders Foundation started a major process of updating the wonders list, by holding what it became the largest poll ever recorded. More than 100 million people expressed their opinions on how the “New Seven Wonders of the World” should look like.
Of course, there is much controversy around this poll, many considering it absurd and the general perception being that there’s no scientific reason behind this list, being more of a popularity contest. And this was somehow officially confirmed when UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) declared they won’t be involved in any way in the making of this list. But still, with all these, the list (the 7 winners and the other 13 finalists) includes some of the most amazing landmarks in the world and, if you ask me, this is more of a “must visit before you die list”. -theworldroamer.

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